Advisors and Mindfulness Mentors

Really Mindful Group delivers in-person and digital mindfulness trainings and presentations focusing on leadership, stress reduction, overcoming distraction, negotiations and other practical topics to law firms, companies, students and athletes. Our approach is to provide our clients with hands-on techniques that are easily integrated into real-life situations and that lead to measurable increases in performance and well-being.

Scott Rogers, M.S., J.D., Director, Mindfulness in Law Program, University of Miami Law School
Professor Scott Rogers is the founder and director of the University of Miami School of Law’s Mindfulness in Law Program where he teaches Mindful Ethics, Mindful Leadership, and Mindfulness in Law. He is the creator of Jurisight®, one of the first CLE programs in the country to integrate mindfulness and the law, and to offer ground-breaking research that has introduced neuroscience along with contemplative practices in the legal context. As a nationally recognized leader in the field of mindfulness and the law, Professor Rogers has taught mindfulness to thousands of legal professionals including lawyers, law students, law faculty, and judges. He founded and co-chairs the Mindfulness in Law Joint Task Force of the Dade County Bar Association and Federal Bar Association (South Florida Chapter) and also co-authored Mindfulness and Professional Responsibility. He lectures across the country and has spoken at law and scientific conferences, appeared on television and NPR, and has also been interviewed in newspapers and magazines for his work on mindfulness.

Doug Worthen, Director of Mindfulness, Middlesex School
Doug Worthen MX ’96 teaches the Mindfulness program at Middlesex. He began his mindfulness practice in 1999 as a way to reduce stress and enhance his athletic performance as a member of the University of Virginia national championship lacrosse team. Since he began practicing, he has seen the benefits in athletics, relationships, business, and overall happiness. After being diagnosed with a rare lymphoma in 2007, Doug credits mindfulness as key in his survival and healing. He came out of that experience committed to sharing mindfulness with youth. He has attended many mindfulness retreats and trained as a mindfulness educator at such places as the UMass Center for Mindfulness, Brown University, the Mindful Education Institute, and the Mindfulness in Schools Project.

Jessica Morey, Executive Director, Inward Bound Mindfulness Education
Jessica Morey, MA is the Executive Director of iBme. She began practicing meditation at age 14 on teen retreats offered by the Insight Meditation Society (IMS). She returned every year for 6 years and then participated for 10 years in an IMS young adult mentoring group. Jessica has attended longer retreats (1-3 months) in Asia and the U.S., and is a founding board member and lead teacher for iBme teen retreats. Before joining iBme, Jessica worked in clean energy and climate policy and finance. She holds a BA in Environmental Engineering from Dartmouth and Masters degrees in Sustainable Development and International Affairs. Her published works range from the chapter ‘Ordinary Awakening’ in Blue Jean Buddha to Conflict Resolution of the Boruca Hydro-Energy Project: Renewable Energy Production in Costa Rica. Her experience of bringing mindfulness into her work and life was described in a 2012 Shambala Sun article ‘Dharma 2.0.’ More recently she wrote an article in the February 2014 Mindful Magazine, ‘Finding My Way,’ about her experience learning and benefiting from mindfulness throughout her young adult years. She is an avid yoga practitioner and skier and loves dancing in any form.